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Over 170,000 Phone Numbers Available for Your Custom Telemarketing Campaign.
Personalized Subscriber Records for 176,000+ Decision-Makers with Purchasing Power.
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Facilities Management
& Maintenance

Reaching executive-level facility professionals for your direct marketing message is simple, with Building Operating Management
and Facility Maintenance Decisions magazine subscribers.


Commercial Cleaning

Looking for decision-makers in the Commercial Cleaning Industry? Subscribers of Contracting Profits and Sanitary Maintenance are your resource for finding sanitary supply distributors, building service contractors and in-house cleaning professionals.


Railroad & Rail Transit

Reach over 25,000 Railroad Transit Executives in a variety of industry disciplines with Progressive Railroading magazine's subscriber database. Your target audience is ready for your direct marketing message.

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Is List Rental A Worthwhile Investment?

Has your company been struggling of late? Have you tried email marketing in the past with little to no success? Let us show you how our lists can work to improve your marketing efforts. Our lists are continually updated, giving your offer the best chance to be seen by your prospect.

How Can I Connect With My Prospect: 3 Ways To Connect With Your Target Audience

Now that you have decided that a targeted list rental is the right strategy for your business, it is time to decide which method of communication you wish to use. The available methods are email. postal address, and phone.



Email is by far the most valuable of the information to obtain of the three communication methods and also, the most effective. Because email addresses change so frequently for people, it is important that you do your due diligence when you are renting a list by finding out how the list owner maintains the list.


Postal Address

Direct mail is also an effective marketing tool when done properly. Again, this depends on the accuracy and freshness of the data you are working with. There is a direct relationship between the age of a list and the level of accuracy the list has. As the list grows with age, the likelihood of accuracy declines. For example, if the postal address was added to a list just 3 or more years ago, there is a strong possibility that the person no longer works at that address or company you are mailing to. A list rental company should be able to tell you how often their data is refreshed. Many companies perform surveys, request renewal verification, or use telemarketing resources to confirm the information in their system is still accurate.



The last way to connect with your audience via a list rental is by phone. You can use phone in conjunction with address and/or an email campaign or simply run the phone campaign alone. This is another piece of data that your list rental company should be able to verify. Have they used the phone number? Do they delete phone numbers that don't work when they try to use the phone number?


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